Digital Ingots

A new way for anyone to purchase investment grade gold. 

About Digital Ingots

Digital Ingots utilizes the latest technology to provide gram and sub-gram quantities of gold at investment grade prices. Our premium members can purchase (and take delivery) of one gram quantities of gold at 10% above the spot price.  Our competitors charge up to 100% above the spot price of gold for 1 gram quantities.  By utilizing a membership model, we are able use the revenues from membership to keep our prices on gold as low as possible. 


Digital Ingots is part of the Sheltowee Venture Debt Program.  You can learn more about this program by clicking here.  The Sheltowee Venture Debt program provides a 20% annualized return on the Digital Ingot's opportunity.  Highlights of the program include:
  • Up to $300,000 in venture debt
  • Six month term
  • 20% annualized return
  • Minimum investment of $25,000
  • Ability to convert to equity at the end of six months (or any time during that period) at a $5 million valuation (a $25,000 investment could be converted to 0.5% equity in the company)
Digital Ingots is not a cryptocurrency and is not maintained on the blockchain.  The ledger for Digital Ingots is maintained by Digital Ingots, LLC in a similar fashion to how banks maintain their ledgers for their financial accounts.  By utilizing standard technology as opposed to the blockchain, Digital Ingots is able to reduce the transaction costs and pass those savings on to their users.  
Yes.  Each amount of gold you purchase on the Digital Ingots platform is backed by a physical amount of gold held is a vault by Digital Ingots, LLC.  The gold is unallocated until it is redeemed.  That is to say that until a user actually requests physical possession of the gold, it is not allocated specifically to that user.  Once a request is made to redeem the gold, a physical Digital Ingot is allocated and sent to the customer.  Digital Ingots maintains a minimum of a 2% overallocation of gold.  That is to say that there is always at least 2% more gold held by Digital Ingots than has been purchased.  
A key differentiator of Digital Ingots is the ease within which you can take delivery of the physical gold in 1 gram amounts.  You may leave your gold in digital form as long as you would like with no custodian fees associated.  
Digital Ingots utilizes a systems approach to allow customers to purchase and take delivery of physical gold at investment grade pricing.  Most companies that allow for the purchase of gold in gram and sub-gram quantities, charge premiums that are so high, that it is no longer an investment grade purchase, but more of a novelty purchase.  With our systems approach, our members can purchase gold in gram quantities for as little as 10% above the spot price of gold, and take physical possession of the gold.  No other gold products allow for the purchase of the small quantities at investment grade prices.  

Digital Ingots has worked closely with the Sheltowee team and believes that this program can assist in getting our digital MVP in place.  We believe that this program can be very beneficial in helping us achieve our financial goals.  
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Louisville, KY

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Phone: +1 502-230-8605
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